First up is the December Fairy that is going to be the birth announcement for the daughter:
There is a sleeve, a wing, and most of her skirt. I changed one of the colors in the wing from Very Light Turquoise to Light Turquoise because I had originally misread the color number on it. I rather like it that way instead of lighter.
Then Oak Island Mystery, the one with the least amount done:
Have most of the rick in the upper left done and did a bit on the ocean at the bottom of the "beard".
And finally, Goddess of the Sea:
She now has a waist, part of her back, and I'm working on the shadows around the bust line. After that, I'm going to fill in the highlight because then it's just filling the whole thing in with a single color.
And finally, my TUSAL jar:
Very little stitching done since I emptied the jar back in March I think. Hopefully I'll be able to get more done in the future as there is now a nice nightly routine in the house. I get Genevieve down for the night and then stay up until around 11:30 (unless I'm wiped and then I go to bed with her) doing stitchery things or screwing around on the computer to unwind from the day before heading to bed. That's usually the latest she will wake up for a second time, not counting the stray middle of the night grumps due to a wet diaper and a bit of hunger. The middle of the night feedings are getting fewer and farther between and she's sleeping more through the night. Doesn't mean she won't get me up before the sun and keep me up however.
And speaking of the Diapered Diva (as a girlfriend nicknamed her), here's a few more pics of her at 5 months old for your enjoyment.