Monday, November 26, 2012

Half a brain...

If I had half a brain, I think I'd be dangerous right now. *laughs* It's about two weeks before the baby's due and if I can think without lists, I'd be surprised. So once more, a combined WIPockalypse post (two days early) and a TUSAL post (two weeks late).

First up is Pirate Treasure: Oak Island Mystery, and that touch of red in the green is part of the date there. I'm doing all of one color (or as much as I can right now) because all of that is getting stitched over in a half stitch of glow in the dark blending filament.

Next is a bit more of QS CLaire. It's a bit more slow going because despite stitching entirely in black, it's 1x1 on 28 ct and there are days I just don't need the headache even if I want the stress break.

Not much more has been done with the Haunted Mansion, but it's a fun thing to poke at.

And finally, my TUSAL jar. I know you can't see much of the green that is Oak Island and only a bit of black that is Claire, but it's going to start growing again. I promise!!!


Gray Bonnet said...

Love the haunted mansion! Best of luck and warm wishes in these upcoming weeks!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Your WIPs are looking good.

Wishing you a smooth delivery and a healthy baby!

Unknown said...

Doing such a great your thread jar!