I honestly forgot that
Karen at My Desert Cottage was having a sort of party to showcase where bloggers created their things and blogged about them. So, here is a tour of my little (and I do mean little) corner of the house where I cross stitch and crochet. Excuse the mess, I'm not the neatest of people:
Here's my little corner. It's located in what we call our gaming room. Originally touted as the Master Bedroom, my husband and I decided to make it our gaming room where we can play board games and (most importantly to us) invite friends over for table top gaming. Our computer desks are here as well, making it sort of an office setting as well plus there's plenty of room for Gen to rattle around in now that she's crawling (although we do have to keep a closer eye on her since she's fascinated with cables).
The top is my stitching box holding threads for my current projects that came out of the general stash box. I have a few that I have specifically bought the thread for them, mostly my HAEDs. The bottom plastic tub has some of my general fabrics and some stitchery kits that I haven't gotten to yet. The middle tub just has some loose papers and things in it. At one time, that was my filing cabinet for my patterns.
My stitching cabinet with a few drawers open to show the things in it. The small plastic container on top is my traveling stitch kit. I take that to work with me since I offer free 5 minute stitching how to classes when a customer buys cross stitching things. It's mostly for beginners but if someone wants a few tips, I'm happy to share what I can with them. The green stitching box is the one that my one cat busted the lid off of by managing to pop the screws. I haven't gotten around to fixing it yet.
This is what the wooden stitching chest was suppose to replace but as you can see, I still have stitching projects in it. *laughs* I probably won't ever give this up and keep using it as well. It's currently sitting on top of my two drawer filing cabinet that holds my patterns and a few pattern books. No picture of that since I couldn't get a good one with it being black.
The view out the window to my right. It's not much of a view, just part of our roof and the large maple tree that's between us and the neighbors, but in the fall, that tree turns lovely colors.
The view from my desk where I do my stitching. It may not look like much now, but in the spring, those trees right there are dogwoods and redbuds. They're
gorgeous, and I wish the blooms stuck around longer. It's also wonderful because this window faces west so I can watch the storms roll in.
My desk with my ORT jar off to one side. It may not look it, but I find I have plenty of room to stitch.
And speaking of ORT jars:
Here's my TUSAL for July! There are some threads in there from all sorts of projects.
ANd I'll leave you with a picture of the reason I don't have much stitching done and why the area is a bit of a mess. My supervisor who makes sure I'm doing what I should: