Friday, August 31, 2012

August WIPockalypse Take Two & return to Belly Dancing

First up is my WIPockalypse/IHAS report. *hangs head* Yeah, I've been bad about not posting it, but in my defense, my computer decided to self destruct via virus and I had to get a new one.

So first up is Moonlit Kitties:


Didn't get a whole lot done that weekend and things have been up in the air enough that I haven't had a chance to do any more stitching on these since that weekend. Mostly because I've had a hard time concentraiting due to pregnancy and exhaustion.

Now that commission that I'm wondering is jinxed at this point. It seems like for every three stitches I put in, I'm tearing out five.


Here it is as of today. *sighs and shakes head* I haven't even started on the nitty gritty flowers or even charted the names and date.

On a better note (for me at least), my work schedule has let me return to my belly dancing class, and last night I had a blast! I was the only one in the Beginning Technique class, which was fine as my teacher decided to drill with zills. *laughs* My arms were tired by the end, and we only did a little bit of veil work. The veil I have is a bit heavier than a chiffon so that didn't help the arm soreness either.

It will be fun to get back into that again.

1 comment:

sharine said...

Looking good! The belly dancing sounds like lots of fun.